
ECLP {Easy Command Line Parser}.

03. Parse

Parse function can use 2 ways of parsing, either using Regex or a Side by side words check algorithm.

Using Regex

Is the default way of parsing when you Parse() function without specifying usingRegex bool parameter inside the constructor because it have a true value by default

using System.Windows.Forms;
using The_Morpher;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            string commandLine = "start 5 3.6 true T --verbose --noClip --showStats -p driver=steave -p age=30 -c players=steave|john|clark -xc players=steave:21|john:15|clark:30";
            ECLP eCLP = new ECLP(commandLine);

            CommandResult cr = eCLP.Parse();
            // or 
            // CommandResult cr = eCLP.Parse(true);
            // same

Side by side words check

Is another way of parsing more pertinant but use a long code behind the scenes.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using The_Morpher;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string commandLine = "start 5 3,6 true T --verbose --noClip --showStats -p driver=steave -p age=30 -c players=steave|john|clark -xc players=steave:21|john:15|clark:30";

            ECLP eCLP = new ECLP(commandLine);
            CommandResult result = eCLP.Parse(false);

The way there's 2 ways of parsing is because Regex is not all the time used by some third party as it was the case for me.

I used ECLP in a third party application that use its own mono modified assembly which don't use regex at all and then i need to find another way to handle parsing.

Regex can sometime can't match result in some weird scenarios as maybe it need to improve regex pattern which is not my best.



01. Verbs

02. EventHandler

>>03. Parse


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