
ECLP {Easy Command Line Parser}.

02. EventHandler

In the previouse chapter you have seen a way to read arguments by fetching them one by one.

This approach could be expensive especially when you have many argument as you my see the code in the prevouse chapter with many loops.

So maybe we want to execute a code especially when an argument is set.

This is what we are going to do using EventHandler.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using The_Morpher;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string commandLine = "start 5 3,6 true T --verbose --noClip --showStats -p driver=steave -p age=30 -c players=steave|john|clark -xc players=steave:21|john:15|clark:30";

            ECLP eCLP = new ECLP(commandLine);
            eCLP.AddedArgs += ECLP_AddedArgs;
            eCLP.AddedCollections += ECLP_AddedCollections;
            eCLP.AddedExCollections += ECLP_AddedExCollections;
            eCLP.AddedFlags += ECLP_AddedFlags;
            eCLP.AddedProperties += ECLP_AddedProperties;


        private static void ECLP_AddedArgs(object sender, The_Morpher.Events.AddedArgsEvents e)
            Console.WriteLine("Argument is " + e.Arg + " and its type is " + e.Arg.GetType());
        private static void ECLP_AddedFlags(object sender, The_Morpher.Events.AddedFlagsEvents e)
            // To show value

            if (e.Flag == "--verbose")
                Console.WriteLine("Verbose mode is activated");

        private static void ECLP_AddedProperties(object sender, The_Morpher.Events.AddedPropertiesEvents e)
            // To show key

            // to do job when a specific property is triggered
            if (e.Property.Key == "driver")
            // this will show steave
        private static void ECLP_AddedCollections(object sender, The_Morpher.Events.AddedCollectionsEvents e)
            // To show key, Collection name

            // to loop true sub values
            foreach (object o in e.Collections.Value)
                Console.WriteLine("sub property is " + o + " and its type is " + o.GetType());
        private static void ECLP_AddedExCollections(object sender, The_Morpher.Events.AddedExCollectionsEvents e)
            // To show key, ExCollection's name

            // loop true the sub properties
            foreach (KeyValuePair sub in e.ExCollections.Value)
                Console.WriteLine("sub property name is " + sub.Key + " and it's value is " + sub.Value + " and value type is " + sub.Value.GetType());




01. Verbs

>>02. EventHandler

03. Parse


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