
ECLP.Net {Easy Command Line Parser}.


This command Line parser use 2 ways of parsing.

Either from a string command or from an array like the one passed to the main method as parameters.

It's build for .Net Standard, for .Net Framework you can see my other repo on

just reference ECLP.Net by nuget or by dowloading the latest release and add it to your references.

Install-Package ECLP.Net -Version 1.0.0



Licensed with MIT

  • Verbs
  • ECLP.Net defin 5 types of arguments as Verbs.

    Mean that a command line can have 5 different patterns of arguments as bellow :

    Type 1) Args are common arguments, could be any referenced primitif type like string, int, bool, float, and char.

    ex "hello 5 true 3,5 T".

    Arguments is parsed to its appropriate type, otherwize it return the default value "string".

    Make attention that positions of arguments is important so you can identify them in the Args list by its index.

    A float value should has a comma as separator and not a dot, 3,6 is good, 3.5 is wrong.

    Type 2) Flags are string type arguments without values, prefixed with double dash -- "--verbose --start --friendlyfire".

    Value is not parsed to a specific type and it's always a string type.

    Usually considered as if they are a boolean, I mean if a flag is set then it's equivalent to true by meaning.

    Type 3) Properties are a property with value prefixed with -p "-p driver=steave".

    Value is parsed to its appropriate type, otherwize the default format is string.

    Type 4) Collections is a property with a collection of values separated by Pipe |.

    Should be prefixed with -c "-c players=steave|john|clark -c ages=21|15|30" players is the name of the property, and steave,john,clark are a list of object values.

    Type 5) ExCollections for Extanded Collections, it's a property with a collection of sub properties that have a value.

    Should be prefixed with -xc "-xc players=steave:21|john:15|clark:30 -xc adresses=Japan:Tokyo|USA:Washington".

    Properties are separated by Pipe |, and sub property name and it's value are separated by double point : .



    01. Verbs

    01. EventHandler

    03. Parse


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