Hello, My Name Is Mohssine EL HARFI a lambda person living in Morocco, love coding especially in Desktop, Web app, Core projects and also games environments.
My favorites languages is C# and ... well in reality i focused a couples of years coding around C# environment as Windows Forms App, Windows Desktop App, Libraries, ASP .Net Core, Visual studio features and arround .net echosystem since 2009.
Over the time I lose hand over some technologies like PHP, C++, VB, MVC that i don't use them often.
Almost all of my project is shared here under MIT Licence, apart some private ones for commercial purpose.
My Job "Software Developper"
I work as Full Stack Developper {Angular / .Net Core}, most of skills needed :
Software developpement.
Storage, Database, logging.
Technical concerns.
Deployement, versionning, testing.
Programming # coding # scripting :)
Spend 8h to 12h per day programming in C# most of the time.
Gaming scene is always captivating me.
Moding games.
Reverse engeenering win 32/64 apps using OllyDbg, dbg64, Hex editor.
Web security, analysis, auditing.